February 1998 was the month of freedom, (holiday: Feb-May98), I didn’t work!!! Pretty much I just hung around in the house, eating, sleeping, went out and spent away my parents’ money, I was like parasite to them, financially. Then, besides that, I lepak(lay park) in IRC, At first, I was in IRC to chat with my friends that was studying abroad as calling them would be expensive. Then, I came to know a channel called 1979 and really liked it a lot. Thanx to Kusa and all the chatterz for making the channel an interesting place to be in. Somehow, I still can't figure out why there are still people who do not know about IRC (hey miss -love- blue, this goes for u)!!!! Why? Why? Why? I'm not talking about the people who don't use internet, I'm talking here about the people who are in the internet but don't have a clue how Irc screen look like!!!!!Ummpphhh.(yes, I really want U to download one, and directly connect your irc server to undernet and check this channel out #1979 !!!! Or go to #mamak or #kampung to meet malaysian irc friends.)